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Christian Science Lectures

Learn More About Christian Science at a Lecture

At least once each year, our church hosts a lecture on Christian Science that is given by a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. Lecture topics are often chosen based on current events, and attendees learn how to apply the principles of Christian Science to healing individual and world needs. These lectures provide a wonderful and inspired introduction to Christian Science.

Many healings have taken place at Christian Science lectures. This is a lovely example of such a healing:.


The Christian Science Journal, March 1922

Margaret I. Mackintosh, Edinburgh, Scotland


On the twenty-ninth day of October, 1909, I was asked to go to a Christian Science lecture in Edinburgh,—the first lecture of that kind I had ever heard about. I was not thinking of healing for myself but simply went because a brother had asked me. I did go, however, with a great sense of expectation of good. When the lecture was over I found I had been instantaneously healed of a serious affection of the eyes from which I had suffered for years and from which I had had little hope of recovering. The specially prepared glasses prescribed I have never needed since; indeed they seemed impossible to fit on. They would not go on. Since then I have never had a treatment for illness of any kind, except through the reading and study of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy; and for all these years I have never been absent from the duty of a teacher in a large school on account of illness.

I have had demonstrations of many and various kinds; and I am increasingly grateful every day. I had suffered from bronchitis since infancy, but the fear of that has quite gone. Severe and constant headache supposed to have been the result of concussion of the brain, and the state of the eyes has also disappeared; and from being considered delicate I am now quite strong—able to do more work than ever I thought possible. I am also very grateful for the good Christian Science brings to the dear children, both in teaching them and looking after them.


Although very carefully brought up by good Christian parents and always having the Bible and church work in my former church, I have gained a better understanding of God through the light Christian Science throws on the beautiful truth of the Bible. The spiritual uplift is much more precious than the physical healing, and I have never had the least doubt about the truth of Christian Science. For the privilege of membership with The Mother Church and a branch church, also for the tremendous help of class instruction, I am most grateful,—grateful to God, to our great Master and Way-shower, the Lord Jesus Christ, and grateful to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for all she has done for the world, for the way she has made simple to us the teachings of our Lord; also grateful to all who have helped me on the way. To know there is only one power, God, good, and that divine Mind governs all lovingly, is all we need.

I should like to say that during all this time I have never had any material remedies, and no medicine of any kind has been taken.—(Miss.) Margaret I. Mackintosh, Edinburgh, Scotland.


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